Why does it bother you/ me? Perhaps his noble words could not contrast more with the anti-human depravity of Islamic terrorism.
The gut political reaction is for reprisals... which M Leiris is not espousing...how can more deaths correct the ignorance of religious criminality?
ISEL is an anarchic would-be theocracy born of an Islamic dream. Revenge and death to unbelievers are at its foundations. It was nurtured in poverty, religious superstition, poor education and paradisaic hope. (familiar parallels?) Faith in the supremacy and vindication of its invisible god blindly propels its followers to place 'mere' human life lower than its religious ideals, justifying beheadings and mayhem.
Fundamentalist Islamic belief has fostered among the marginalised, the psychopathic and the criminal elements like Abdulhamid Abaaoud the glory of being culture heroes... something which ordinary life would not have granted them.
Isn't the real answer to work towards the elimination of world poverty and full secular education for all?